Moving into Mark 15 we find Mark's account of Jesus before Pilate. More of the Sanhedrin's blood thirsty lies, the crowd's demand for blood and Barabbas, Pilates acquiescing to a…
As we finish our studies in Mark 14 we end the chapter with Peter's denials. Peter sins boldly but then repents deeply. A good warning and a good lesson.
Following the betrayal and arrest Jesus is put on trial. Sort of a trail anyway. No pretense of justice from the very people who are to embody the justice and…
Moving forward in Mark 14 this week we look at the betrayal and arrest of Jesus. Mark adds an odd detail missing from the other evangelists. A young man who…
Moving forward just a bit from the section of Mark 14 we spent the last three weeks in we get to Gethsemane. Here we encounter what Martin Luther called the…
This week we will finish the section of Mark 14 we have been in for the last two weeks. We began in the middle with the Lord's Supper, then backed…
This week we back up a little from where we were last week to look at Jesus telling the disciples that one of them would betray him. I think this…
First Lord's Day of June and so time for communion. We are also looking at the first Lord's Supper from Mark 14.
This week we are looking at the story that surrounds the story we looked at last week in Mark 14. We will think about plots, Judas, greed, and moral failure.…