"He is risen! He is risen indeed!" will be repeated and resounding through Christian churches this Sunday. The central holiday of the Christian calendar. The central doctrine of the Christian…
Wrapping up Jesus' "defense" he moves to counter charges against those who have accused him. Jesus is devoted to the glory of God while they seek glory from one another.…
As we venture forward a few verses we find Jesus continuing his defense by citing, really calling, witnesses. We need to clear up a frequently misunderstood sentence and then listen…
This week we will be looking at the first part of Jesus' defense of himself to the religious folks offended by his apparent disregard of the Sabbath. Truly stunning words…
We are going back to John, now in chapter 5. Jesus heals a rather annoying man and stirs up trouble with the super religious of Jerusalem.
Finishing our studies in John 4, we are back at Cana in Galilee for a long-distance healing and a look at true and false, shallow faith.
This week we finish up the story of the Samaritan woman at the well and the wonderful, miraculous aftermath.
We are continuing in John 4 by seeing the Samaritan woman become the first Samaritan evangelist and begin leading people to Jesus. Meanwhile, Jesus gives the disciples an object lesson…
We continue in John 4 with Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. A request to see her husband leads to a wonderful discourse on true worship.
We are moving into John 4 where Jesus encounters the Samaritan women at Jocob's well. We will not take the whole passage at once but this week focus on an…