Finishing the first chapter of Mark. We'll read again a familiar story, I will tell you again a familiar story, and we'll all try to learn something. And bring some…
Moving a bit slower than I had anticipated when doing some preliminary work for this series. But, since we have started it and I as I dig in a bit,…
Jesus comes out of the wilderness, goes down to the lake and calls two pairs of brothers away from their family fishing businesses to follow him. Now we see all…
So this week we are beginning a series from the Gospel of Mark. The shortest Gospel, probably the first one written, and the one I have never preached though and…
It is Palm Sunday this week. We usually talk about some aspect of the Triumphal Entry but I found a passage in Revelation with palm branches also. A scene of…
We will stay in Philippians 4 this week. Just a few verses after the passage we looked at last week is Paul's well-known but too often ignored call to contentment.…
I thought it best not to return to the Amos series yet. We instead will think about faith and fear in a time of uncertainty. We will focus on Philippians…
Amos recounts four visions and an encounter with a priest named Amaziah. This is the section with the fairly well known "I am not a prophet nor am I the…