
Video: The last month of sermons are available to watch online. Click on the title of the sermon to view the video.

Audio: Sermons are available to listen to online or to download to your device to listen to at a later time.

Walk of Life

April 9, 2023
It's Friday but Sunday is coming! Our usual no fuss Easter Sunday. Going to read John's account of the resurrection but then go to Colossians for the sermon. Paul's insightful…


April 17, 2022
"He is risen! He is risen indeed!" will be repeated and resounding through Christian churches this Sunday. The central holiday of the Christian calendar. The central doctrine of the Christian…
Stepping out of Mark for this week and looking at 1 Corinthians 15. The importance and absolute centrality of the resurrection for a true Christian life.

Garden Party

April 21, 2019
And Easter Sunday. The joy of repeating “He is risen indeed!” The wonder of the story that seems too good to be true yet is true and so very good!…

Ain’t No Rock

April 14, 2019
Palm Sunday. Leaving Hebrews for two weeks to look at (Duh!) the Triumphal entry and the resurrection. Not really a big change since we gather every week on the Lord’s…

One Single Savior

April 1, 2018
It was so good to be back with you last week for Palm Sunday, the first tremors of the coming earthquake that is Easter. We celebrate the resurrection every Lords…

The Story

April 16, 2017
We will of course be thinking of the Easter story, the bigger biblical story, and just how we fit our stories into that big picture. Lots of folks really like…