
Video: The last month of sermons are available to watch online. Click on the title of the sermon to view the video.

Audio: Sermons are available to listen to online or to download to your device to listen to at a later time.

Stairway to Heaven

October 17, 2021
After John points all the people toward Jesus, he later points two of his followers that way. They leave to follow Jesus and we soon see Jesus beginning to assemble…

Feeling Good

October 10, 2021
We will be looking at that great moment when John sees Jesus and declares him to be the Lamb of God. Short passage, but one filled with power and powerful…

Gospel John

October 3, 2021
Moving past the Prologue in John's Gospel to begin to look at the ministry and message of John the Prophet. John doesn't call him "the Baptist" even though his baptizing…


September 19, 2021
This week we will continue a bit in the Prologue to John's Gospel. How the Word is both life and light and how both are received or rejected.

And then…?

August 29, 2021
Our last look at the Gospel of Mark. I'll talk a bit about why we are ending where we are and why Mark ended where most scholars believe he did.