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August 12, 2018

Would I Lie to You?

Passage: Colossians 3:1-17

Bible Text: Colossians 3:1-17 | In the age of social media things like anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive words seem so common as simply to be the way things are. The way people are now. But Paul tells Christians to put them off. But Paul didn’t have Face Book or Twitter! Does his thinking still apply? Is it possible to live in our day and age and not be this way? From the tone of Paul’s directions it better be possible. But then he goes on to further step on our toes. Maybe as Christians we see ourselves as nice and kind and none of that nasty list really applies. But, how often in our efforts to be nice do we shade the truth? He goes after lying next. Ouch. Can it be? We’ll see.