Walk of Life
Bible Text: Jude 1:1-25, Hebrews 11:1-40 | Teacher: John W. Wilson | Series: Hebrews | Last week we began our studies in Hebrews 11, sometime called the “roll-call of faith” or other similar titles. We looked at several characteristics of faith and I may have gotten a few people fired up for a Shelly Pie with an illustration too near lunch time. Connie and I had a good ride from the Waterfront and then went up the hill to Mineo’s, another favorite. Three days later City Paper declared Mineo’s the best pizza in Pittsburgh. Coincidence? Don’t think so! Anyway, this week we look at the first two intriguing examples of faith in action and more characteristics of faith. Abel and Enoch are not the names that come quickest to mind for OT heroes of faith and yet here they are, leading the list.