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December 18, 2016

Three Little Words

Passage: John 1:1-18

Bible Text: John 1:1-18 | Teacher: John W. Wilson | Series: Advent | Well its beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Got in the spirit a bit by playing some Christmas tunes for “Donations and Donuts” last week and a few more at Atria’s last night. But getting in the spirit far more by reading Scripture and thinking through Advent messages. Several of you have mentioned you are enjoying the little Christmas book we gave you (more available if you didn’t get one or want another to give away). I also bought a couple of even smaller booklets one of which is called “Christmas in Three Words”. The author asks at the beginning what three words you would use to describe Christmas. My three are different than his. Be happy to give you his if you would like but this week we’ll look again at the Prologue to John’s Gospel and think a bit about mine. Faith, hope, and love. Of course Paul mentions them too and they are enshrined in classic theology as “The Three Theological Virtues”. I hope a helpful way to prepare by looking at our Lord and ourselves.