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February 19, 2017

Suspicious Minds

Passage: 1 Samuel 18:1-19:24

Bible Text: 1 Samuel 18:1-19:24 | So now that David has defeated Goliath and is more and more clearly God’s man on the scene, he quickly becomes the most loved and admired man in Israel. You know, he is that guy all the women want to marry, or marry their daughter off to, all the men want to be his best friend. But, ya know in this broken world there are always a few who resent, mistrust, and even hate someone like that. In the last chapter it was David’s older brother. In the chapters we will look at this week it gets much, much worse because it is Saul, the king. In many ways the man David is doing the most good for! But deep down we all know how little that matters once dark things like fear, envy, and resentment start to stir. We will see both the terrible results of letting those dark things lose and the sovereignty of a Lord who is having none of it.