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April 30, 2017

Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man)

Passage: 1 Samuel 25:1-44

Bible Text: 1 Samuel 25:1-44 | Teacher: John W. Wilson | Series: 1 Samuel | Maybe I am a little cynical (maybe!? a little!?) but it seems to have become almost obligatory for new men coming into the presbytery to speak of themselves as “marrying up” or their wives taking pity or whatever. Perhaps it is sincere. Perhaps it is true. But, once I get to know both I rarely find myself thinking “what did she ever see in him?” But I have had those thoughts with others. Oh come on, you have too! We will together this week. We arrive at the section of the saga of David where he encounters a woman described as wise and beautiful who is married to a man essentially described as a world-class jerk. Trouble ensues. Lessons will be learned.