
Video: The last month of sermons are available to watch online. Click on the title of the sermon to view the video.

Audio: Sermons are available to listen to online or to download to your device to listen to at a later time.

Love Stinks

September 17, 2017
Bible Text: 2 Samuel 13:1-39 | Teacher: John W. Wilson | Series: 2 Samuel | Well, if you thought after the Bathsheba chapter we were out of the ugliness you…


September 10, 2017
Bible Text: 2 Samuel 12:1-31 | Teacher: John W. Wilson | Series: 2 Samuel | So where does David's terrible series of sinful choices leave him? We got a hint…

Thinking Out Loud

August 20, 2017
Bible Text: 2 Samuel 9:1-13 | Teacher: John W. Wilson | Series: 2 Samuel | We're back. Survived the cycling vacation with fairly minor injuries and very major enjoyment. The…

One Love

July 16, 2017
Bible Text: 2 Samuel 5:1-12 | Teacher: John W. Wilson | Series: 2 Samuel | This week we reach what is in many ways the high point of 1&2 Samuel.…